Gwadar: in the Realm of History

Gwadar: in the Realm of History


Gwadar is located on the southwestern coast of Pakistan in the province of Balochistan at the entrance to the Persian Gulf, an important trade route. It is a hammerhead (hammer-shaped) island (peninsula) located on the coast of Makran, Gwadar. About 460 km west of Karachi, 80 km east of the Iran-Pakistan border, and 380 km northeast of Oman, Gwadar is mostly barren and mountainous area. In these hills lies Koh-e-Batil, which is on the upper edge of this Hammerhead, and Koh-e-Mehdi, to the east of the peninsula. The port of Gwadar is of great strategic importance due to its geographical location.

The word Gwadar is actually derived from "Goa" and "Dar" which means "door of air".

The history of Gwadar and its environs (surroundings) is very old. This area is also called the Valley of Dasht. It is said that when there was a famine in the time of Hazrat Daud (AS) many people migrated from Sinai Valley and came to Makran valley area. Makran area was part of Persia for thousands of years He remained in charge. It remained under the rule of Chaos, king of Persia, and Afrasiab.

According to historians, in 325 BC, when Alexander the Great was returning to Greece from the Mediterranean, a general of his navy, Admiral Nearchos, anchored his ship at the port of Makran. He found the area dry and the people found Ichthyophagoi (fish-eaters) and the Persian phrase mahi-khoran (fish-eater) gave the area the name Mahi-khoran, which later changed to Makran - here until 303 BC Alexander the Great ruled under General Selukos Nikator, after which the region became part of the Mauryan Empire.

After the advent of Islam, Makran was conquered in 643 AD during the reign of Amir-ul-Mumineen Syedna Umar ibn Khattab and became part of the Islamic State. When Muhammad bin Qasim conquered Sindh in 711 AD, this area also remained under his rule. During the reign of the Mughal kings of the subcontinent, this area was part of the Mughal Empire. In the 16th Century AD, the Persians occupied several areas of Makran, including this area. In 1581, Portuguese had burnt to ashes, two very important cities Pasni and Gwadar. The area remains a hotbed of controversy among various local rulers and sometimes it was ruled by Baledi and sometimes it was ruled by Rind Emperor some times thy became country ruler, sometimes the Gachkis got the government, however, most of the rulers have remained Baledi and Gachki. When the rule of the Gachkis was weakened by a family dispute, Khan Naseer Mir Naseer Khan I took over the rules.

In 1783, Sultan bin Ahmed, king of Muscat, had a quarrel with his brother Saad bin Ahmed. On which Sultan bin Ahmed wrote a letter to Khan of Kalat Mir Naseer Khan in which he expressed his desire to come here. So Khan not only asked the Sultan to come immediately but also named the area of ​​Gwadar and its revenue after the Sultan for an indefinite period of time.

After which Sultan bin Ahmed belonging to Abu Saad tribe came and settled in Gwadar. In 1792 Sultan returned to Muscat and got the government of Oman.

After the death of the Sultan in 1804, his sons became the rulers during this period, the Baledis once again captured Gwadar. On which the troops came from Muscat and passed through this area. In the first Afghan war of 1838, the British focus on the area and the British government obtained a concession from Saad Sultan to use the port of Gwadar and later in 1863 appointed an assistant political agent in Gwadar.

"To conduct Britain’s diplomatic relations with the Gulf rulers on a daily basis,the Resident maintained subordinate political agents at Muscat (c.1758–1971) Manama (c.1816–1971), Sharjah (1823–1953), Kuwait (1899–1961), Doha (1949–71), Dubai (1953–71), and Abu Dhabi (1957–71),as well as the Omani enclave of Gwadar in what is now Pakistan (1863 –1958)".

So in the subcontinent, the ships of the British Steam Navigation Company started using the ports of Gwadar and Pasni. In 1863, the first telegram office was established in Gwadar and also in Pasni. The first post office was established in Gwadar in 1894. The fort of Gwadar was built during the Omani rule.

After the emergence of Pakistan as a separate state in 1947, the chiefs of Makran, Kharan and Lasbela, believing in the ideology of Pakistan, announced the annexation of these states to Pakistan. A few months later, the Khan of Kalat, Mir Ahmad Yar Khan, happily annexed Pakistan, keeping in view the aspirations of the people of Kalat and the ground realities (landlockedness of Kalat). At that time the area of ​​Gwadar was not part of the state of Kalat and remained under the rule of Oman. In 1954, Pakistan had its coastline surveyed by the United States Geological Survey. USGS Surveyor Worth Kendrick introduces Gwadar as a Hammerhead Peninsula, which Gwadar is reported to be the most suitable place for a naturally deep see port.

Due to the historical and geographical background and the demand of the people of Gwadar to join Pakistan, the Pakistani government made a formal request to the Sultan of Oman Saad bin Timur to transfer the ownership of Gwadar from Oman to Pakistan. After four years of negotiations, Pakistan bought the Gwadar area from Oman for 3 million.

And so after 174 years of rule, on December 8, 1958, Oman handed over Gwadar to Pakistan.

When Prime Minister Feroz Khan Noon, while addressing the nation on Radio Pakistan on September 7, 1958, announced the transfer of ownership of Gwadar to Pakistan, a wave of happiness swept over the nation and the people of Gwadar also responded / celebrated to the news.

Government Job

Government Jobs

There are four types of Government Jobs.

1- Permanent / Regular Job

2- Contract Job

3- Daily Basis Job

4- Work Charge Job

1- Permanent / Regular Job

This is a permanent / regular job. Its employees remain employed in all circumstances until they reach the age of 60 after recruitment. At the age of 60, he is retired from his job and is entitled to a pension. If he suffers a contagious disease before he reaches the age of 60, he is declared medically ill (Medical Unfit) and retires on the same day before reaching the age of 60.

2- Contract Job

In this type of employment, the duration of employment is fixed at the time of recruitment. The duration may vary depending on the nature of the work. It usually lasts from one to three years. In some but very few departments the term is five years but this is rarely seen.

Most contracts are extended and later made permanent. Retirement age varies in different departments.

3- Daily Basis Job

It's called Daily Wages. In this type of job, public holiday i.e. Sunday, the wage is not given to the employee. If an employee takes a day off (holiday for any reason) other than Sunday, he is not paid for that day. Apart from Sundays, other festivals like Eid, Youm-e-Ashura and other public holidays are not paid.

In most departments, a person working on a daily basis is made permanent if he / she works in the same seat for two consecutive years. Or he may try to become permanent with the help of a Court.

4- Work Charge Job

In this type of employment, an employee is assigned to an ongoing work (project). The employee's salary is first added to the estimated cost of the work (project) and he is paid accordingly. As soon as the project is over, the employee leaves his job i.e. his job is finished. Most of the recruitment in this type of job is done for ninety nine (89) days. If an employee has been working on his seat for 90 days or more, he is entitled to be permanent. He also has to rely on the Court of Law to be permanent.

سرکاری ملازمت

سرکاری ملازمت

سرکاری یا حکومتی ملازمت چار قسم کی ہوتی ہے۔

1- مستقل بنیاد پر

2۔ میثاق، معاہدہ یا کنٹریکٹ بنیاد پر

3- روزانہ کی بنیاد پر

4۔ کام یا پراجیکٹ کی قیمت (ورک چارج) کی بنیاد پر

1۔ مستقل ملازمت

یہ پکی ملازمت ہوتی ہے۔ اس کا ملازم بھرتی ہونے کے بعد جب تک 60 سال کی عمر تک نہیں پہنچ جاتا ہر حال میں ملازمت پر رہتا ہے۔ 60 سال کا ہو جانے پر اسے ملازمت سے ریٹائر کر دیا جاتا ہے اور وہ پینشن کا حقدار ہو جاتا ہے۔ 60 سال کی عمر تک پہنچنے سے پہلے اگر وہ کسی موذی مرض میں مبتلا ہو جائے تو اسے میڈیکل انفٹ قرار دے دیا جاتا ہے اور اسی دن سے ہی اسے ریٹائر کر دیا جاتا ہے۔

2۔ میثاق، معاہدہ یا کنٹریکٹ بنیاد پر

اس قسم کی ملازمت میں ملازمت کی مدت بھرتی کے وقت طے کرلی جاتی ہے۔ کام کی نوعیت کے لحاظ سے اس کی مدت مختلف ہوسکتی ھے۔ زیادہ تر اس کی مدت ایک سال سے تین سال تک ہوتی ھے۔ کچھ لیکن بہت ہی کم محکموں میں مدت پانچ سال بھی ہوتی ہے لیکن ایسا بہت کم دیکھنے میں آیا ہے۔

اکثر کنٹریکٹ بڑھا دیے جاتے ہیں اور بعد میں ان کو مستقل کر دیا جاتا ہے۔ اس میں ریٹائرمنٹ کی عمر مختلف ہوتی ہے۔

3- روزانہ کی بنیاد پر

اسے ڈیلی ویجز کہتے ہیں۔ اس قسم کی ملازمت میں سرکاری چھٹی یعنی اتوار کے پیسے ملازم کو نہیں دیے جاتے۔ اگر اتوار کے علاوہ بھی ملازم کسی دن چھٹی کرے تو اس دن کی اجرت اسے نہیں دی جاتی۔ اتوار کے علاوہ دیگر تہوار مثلاً عید، یوم عاشور و دیگر سرکاری تعطیلات کے دن کی اجرت بھی نہیں دی جاتی۔

اکثر محکموں میں روازانہ کی بنیاد پر کام کرنے والا اگر ایک ہی نشست پر دو سال تک لگاتار کام کر لے تو اسے مستقل کر دیا جاتا ہے۔ یا پھر وہ عدالت کا سہارہ لے کر مستقل ہونے کی کوشش کرتا ہے۔

4۔ کام یا پراجیکٹ کی قیمت (ورک چارج) کی بنیاد پر

اس قسم کی ملازمت میں کسی ملازم کو کسی ہونے والے کام (پراجیکٹ) یا کسی چلتے ہوئے کام کے لیے مقرر کیا جاتا ہے۔ ملازم کی تنخواہ اس کام کے تخمینہ لاگت میں پہلے شامل کر لی جاتی ہے اور اسے اسی مد میں تنخواہ دی جاتی ہے۔ جیسے ہی پراجیکٹ ختم ہو جاتا ہے ملازم اپنی ملازمت سے فارغ ہو جاتا ہے۔ زیادہ تر اس قسم کی ملازمت میں بھرتی انانوے (89) دن کی جاتی ہے۔ اگر نوے  دن یا اس سے زیادہ کوئی ملازم اپنی نشست پر کام کر لے تو وہ مستقل ہونے کا حقدار ہوتا ہے۔ مستقل ہونے کے لیے اسے بھی عدالت کا سہا رہ لینا پڑتا ہے۔

Government Departments

Government Departments

There are many types of Government Departments / Agencies. Here are some popular types:

1- Federal Departments / Agencies

2- Provincial Departments / Agencies

3- Local Government Department / Local Bodies

4- Autonomous Institutions / Departments

5- Semi-Government Departments / Agencies

1- Federal Departments / Agencies

Departments, Agencies or Institutions that are subordinate to the Federal Government are called Federal Departments. Federal means an institution whose head office is in Islamabad, i.e. the capital of Pakistan. These institutions operate under the direct influence of the Prime Minister and the President of Pakistan. Budget are given to them by the Federal Government.

2- Provincial Departments / Agencies

Departments that operate under a province are called Provincial Departments, Agencies, Institutions. That is, an institution headquartered in the provincial capital. For example, the head office of the Punjab Province will be in Lahore. Similarly, Balochistan will have its headquarters in Quetta, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will have its headquarters in Peshawar and Sindh will have its headquarters in Karachi. These Departments operate under the umbrella of the Chief Minister. They are given budget from provinces.

3- Local Government Department / Local Bodies

Departments that operate under a local system, such as a Local Government system, are called Local Government Departments or Local Bodies, Institutions. They are budgeted locally. The headquarters of these institutions are mostly affiliated with the Federal Government.

4- Autonomous Institutions / Departments

These are Departments / Institutions that are under the shadow of the government but they create and generate their own budget. For example, Government Universities, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Boards etc.

5- Semi-Government Departments / Agencies

In these Departments, government is involved. All the rights of these Departments, institutions are the same as those of Government Departments / Institutions. Some Private Companies are involved in these Departments. These are mostly for-profit organizations. Their budgets are created and arranged by themselves. But decisions are made in consultation with the government and privately owned companies. The final decision rests with the government.

سرکاری محکمے یا ادارے

سرکاری محکمےیا  ادارے

سرکاری محکموں یا اداروں کی کافی اقسام ہوتی ہیں۔ ان میں چند مشہور اقسام درج ذیل ہیں:

1۔ وفاقی محکمے

2۔ صوبائی محکمے

3۔ مقامی (لوکل) محکمے

4۔ خودمختار محکمے

5۔ نیم سرکاری محکمے

1۔ وفاقی محکمے

ایسے ادارے جو وفاقی حکومت کے تابع ہوں وفاقی محکمے کہلاتے ہیں۔ وفاق سے مراد جس ادارے کا مرکزی دفتر اسلام آباد یعنی پاکستان کے دارالحکومت میں ہو وفاقی ادارہ کہلاتا ہے۔  یہ ادارے براہ راست وزیراعظم اور صدر پاکستان کےزیر اثر کام کرتے ہیں۔ ان کو بجٹ وفاق سے دیا جاتا ہے۔

2۔ صوبائی محکمے

ایسے محکمے جو کسی صوبے کے تابع کام کرتے ہوں صوبائی ادارے کہلاتے ہیں۔   یعنی ایسا ادارہ جس کا مرکزی دفتر صوبے کے دارلحکومت میں ہو۔  مثلاً صوبہ پنجاب کے ادارے کا مرکزی دفتر لاہور میں ہوگا۔  اسی طرح صوبہ بلوچستان کا مرکزی دفترکوئٹہ میں ،  خیبرپختون خواہ کا مرکزی دفتر پشاور میں اور صوبہ سندھ کے اداروں کا مرکزی دفتر کراچی میں ہو گا۔ یہ ادارے وزیراعلیٰ کے زیر سایہ کام کرتے ہیں۔  ان کو بجٹ صوبوں سے دیا جاتا ہے۔

3۔ مقامی حکومتی (لوکل گورنمنٹ) محکمے

ایسے ادارے جو کسی مقامی نظام جیسے کہ بلدیاتی نظام کے تحت کام کرتے ہیں لوکل گورنمنٹ محکمے کہلاتے ہیں۔ ان کو بجٹ مقامی سطح پر دیا جاتا ہے۔ ان اداروں کا مرکزی دفتر زیادہ تر وفاق کے ساتھ منسلک ہوتا ہے۔

4۔ خودمختار حکومتی محکمے

یہ ایسے ادارے ہیں جوہوتے تو حکومت کے زیرسایہ ہیں لیکن یہ اپنا بجٹ خود بناتے اور پیدا کرتے ہیں۔مثال کے طور پر سرکاری یونیورسٹیاں،  ثانوی و اعلیٰ ثانوی نگران کمیٹی (بورڈ) وغیرہ۔    

5۔ نیم سرکاری محکمے

اس قسم کے اداروں میں حکومت کی شراکت ہوتی ہے۔  ان اداروں کے جملہ حقوق حکومتی اداروں کی طرح کے ہی ہوتے ہیں۔  ان اداروں میں کچھ نجی کمپنیوں کی شراکت ہوتی ہے۔ یہ زیادہ تر منافع بخش ادارے ہوتے ہیں۔ ان کا بجٹ یہ ادارے خود بناتے اور ترتیب دیتے ہیں۔ لیکن اس میں حکومت کی مشاورت اور نجی مالک کمپنیوں کی مشاورت سے فیصلے کیے جاتے ہیں۔ حتمی فیصلہ حکومت کا ہی ہوتا ہے۔

Nobel Prize

The founder of the Nobel Prize, Alfred Nobel, was a famous Swedish chemist and businessman who made many important inventions, including Dynamite; a year before his death he wrote his famous third will at the Swedish Norwegian Club in Paris. A large portion of the property (3 million Swedish kronor in today's currency) set aside for a prize. He wrote in his will that the proceeds from the safe investment would be used to reward those who have rendered outstanding services to humanity throughout the year in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. Initially, the will was objected to by his family, so five years have passed since he was taken into custody and the award was made possible in the year 2000. This trend continues to this day. Later, the Central Bank of Sweden launched the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.

According to the will of Alfred Nobel, the prize was awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences in Physics and Chemistry, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in Medicine, the Academy in Stockholm in Literature and the Norwegian Legislative Assembly in the field of Peace. It was asked to be given by a committee of five people. He specifically wrote that the award should not be discriminated against on the basis of nationality and should be given to the person who is entitled to it. Is responsible for the selection of The Nobel Assembly at Crow Lanska Institute is responsible for awarding the Nobel Prize in Literature to the Swedish Academy of Medicine. Only nominees for the Nobel Committee for Physics, Chemistry, Medicine and Literature can submit nominations. Only those invited by the Economic Sciences Prize Committee for Economics can submit nominations. The Norwegian Nobel Committee is responsible for the nominations and final selection for the Nobel Peace Prize. The five-member committee is appointed by the Norwegian Parliament. Except for the elected bodies and individuals of the Committees, no person or entity can automatically nominate himself for the Nobel Prize, nor anyone else unless he has received an invitation from the Committees to do so. This award has been given to a total of 5 different individuals and 3 organizations between 5 and 6 out of which 2 awards have been given in the field of Economics and a total of 4 individuals and 2 organizations have been given this award more than once. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway, while other categories are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden.

The winner of the Nobel Prize is awarded eight million Swedish kronor (over 100 million Pakistani rupees), the Nobel Gold Medal and the Nobel Diploma. Due to this it became very popular all over the world and very soon this award started to be considered as the biggest award in the world. However, with so much popularity, the award became controversial because many awards were given to people who did not deserve it, and sometimes those who deserved it were deprived of it. The best example of such a controversial award is US President Barack Obama. Who were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize at that time Less than a year had passed since he became President of the United States, and the deadline to nominate him had passed. Only eleven days had passed since he took office. Not playing a significant role According to many prominent American analysts, the war frenzy has increased under the Obama administration, which is why this decision has faced a lot of criticism at the international level. Similarly, Henry Kissinger and Vietnamese politician Lee Dick Tho were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for the Vietnam Peace Accords, but Lee Dick Tho refused to accept the prize because at that time there was no peace in Vietnam, not even the prize. Two members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee resigned in protest of the decision to allow the war to continue for three years after Myanmar's human rights activist Aung San Suu Kyi was ousted in a peaceful movement for democracy and human rights. Nobel Peace Prize awarded However, Aung San Suu Kyi has maintained a criminal silence over the worst atrocities against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, which has been criticized by several Nobel laureates, who have demanded that she return the Nobel Prize - a humanitarian in China. Rights activist Liu Xiaobo was jailed while his name was announced for the Nobel Prize for propaganda against China, to which the Chinese Foreign Ministry reacted strongly, calling the behavior against the rules of the award. Similarly, Mahatma Gandhi, who was involved in the massacre of thousands of innocent Muslims in the subcontinent through his alliance with the British, was not awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Muhammad Ali Jinnah's name was never suggested. Similarly, if we look at literature from all over the world, the name of Allama Iqbal appears in golden letters among the great names of the century who rendered revolutionary services in literature but he was not selected for the Nobel Prize. Many Pistachio-sized writers were given fame through the Nobel Prize because of which fame is only the Nobel Prize.

The Flood and its Devastation

Where the country's economy and integrity are at odds with other endangered issues, the annual floods are also wreaking havoc. Like previous years, this year's floods have brought a message of destruction to the country. The Meteorological Department and the National Disaster Cell sounded the trumpet of early warning in the affected districts. But the sad fact is that no effective strategy has yet been devised to prevent the catastrophic floods on an annual basis. Excess water from dams released into Pakistan's rivers under water war, which raises the water level in the rivers to dangerous levels, which leads to catastrophe - the number of dams in our country is very low due to excess water. It is not possible to stop the load.

The Kalabagh Dam project has not reached any conclusion yet - the project is stalled due to various political, linguistic, social and regional differences. India has made innumerable dams legal and illegal in order to rob us of our rights. The silence of OIC and international organizations is a silent message for Pakistan that it must use its resources to face this "water war". Whenever the monsoon rains come in Pakistan, India, as always, under its hypocritical hostile thinking, for example, "Knife in the armpit, Ram Ram in the mouth" is seen from above showing friendship and sympathy. The enemy, like the enemy, never misses an opportunity, and in this rainy season it releases excess water from its dams, which raises the water level in the rivers to dangerous levels, causing catastrophic floods. Urban and rural areas are affected because the headwaters of a river have a capacity of 4.5 million cusecs and if the water level reaches 9 million cusecs feet, then rivers in sparsely populated areas to protect this head and river. And cracks are made in the slaves to reduce the water leakage and the dangerous threshold. The water leaked from this crack and the affected areas, settlements and crops are severely damaged.

The ongoing terrorism in the country, the economic downturn and political heat, protests, rallies, load shedding, undue burden on the IMF at the behest of electricity tariffs, the realization of various taxes have already filled the lives of the people. In these circumstances, the coming of natural calamities is no less than the Hour of Judgment for the people. Disasters are of two kinds, one purely from God which can be prevented only by precautionary measures, the other type of natural disasters is related to our own negligence, stubborn insecurity plan to drain the water. Sewerage systems can be built, dams can be built and not built, that is, to face natural disasters under the pretext of killing me, such as the destruction of the current flood. This catastrophe might not have spread.

Floods hit the country every year, billions of rupees are spent on it and its losses are estimated at billions of dollars. It is possible to build a dam on a budget less than the cost of relief operations. When floods occur, relief work is carried out on an emergency basis and a possible flood prevention policy is formulated for the future. After a few days, we forget about the flood and its devastation as part of history. But remember that nations that run away from their history always face failure and disgrace, history erases them, forgets them, something like this happens to our country and people after floods come and go. While the government machinery seems to be in full swing in the relief operation for the flood victims, the welfare agencies, NGOs and others are also helping the flood victims in a spirit of empathy and goodwill. Apparently, self-help organizations, parties with unlimited resources carry out unlimited work with systematic planning and strategy.

Big Data

After achieving innovation, we pay a word daily that many secrets are kept in themselves, the word "data" is a language paid word, if the simple definition of computer is mentioned, would know that:

"A computer is an electronic device that receives data (raw data) through input devices (mouse, keyboard, mic, touchpad, joystick, etc.) and processes it. Then shows the result through the output devices (screen, printer, speaker, etc.)”.

What is the difference between data and big data when it comes to data? Where does big data come from, its benefits and where is it being used in Pakistan?


What is data?

Datum is a single fact, entity, and symbol, abbreviated in Latin. The collection of datum is called "data" datum is also commonly called data point and "data" is the name of a collection of data points. The data from which a person's information can be obtained is called "personal data" for example, the school principal may need information from a student's computer or register if he needs personal information - in Pakistan. NADRA is the only organization that keeps data of residents of Pakistan (residents of Pakistan) and a citizen of Pakistan who is 18 years of age or above has a "National Identification Card" from which the person Personal information can be obtained from.


What is Big Data?

Big data refers to the aggregate information of many organizations, companies, utility stores, banks. Personal data combined to form big data. Personal data is just as important as big data such as micro data. When you open the Excel GB1 file in the computer, it will not be able to open the file. Even if this file is opened, the computer will work very slowly. This is due to the increase in "Resolution" in the video - an estimated 2.9 Exabyte (260Exabytes) or 2.9 billion gigabytes (240Gigabytes) of data being generated daily.

Where does the big data come from?

Now that the big data has been clarified, we need to understand where the big data comes from. "4th Generation" internet is being used in Pakistan and PTCL is providing MB / Ps100 speeds in the federal capital and there are approximately 1.7 billion websites if you estimate all the websites in the world which Allows the user to access and store a lot of data at the same time. The world has become a global village because of the Internet Social media and mobile apps have proven this right. The user today From online payments to online license shopping has been facilitated which has accelerated the movement of data.


Benefits of Big Data:

According to IBM, researchers and experts have to improve business issues and meet customers' needs and opportunities for improvement in business. Modern computer science procedures such as machine learning, pattern recovery, data Businesses from mining are guessing customer's habits and daily needs. For example, 100 customers have entered into a mobile shop and each of which is "Accessories" who has purchased? The general shopkeeper can estimate. Thus in large utility stores where the number of customers are in thousands, there are luggage usage from Big Data, which can be estimated to be estimated by more than the use of customers. Using them patterns, when the report is set up to the people who travel on motorway and nationalities, it can be estimated that more and more accidents on what turn and the cause of these accidents. And what arrangements can be set up to prevent accidents at this place.


The use of big data in Pakistan:

Recently, the federal government of Pakistan has heard the ability to use the bug data to catch tax thieves, which said that in many countries, many countries were used to back traditional ways to get back to the technology. And such laws and such patterns will be used in Pakistan, which will be taken against those who do not have tax-donary and money laundering. Many people who did not tax the assets from Amnesty Scheme. The details of the assets that will be used to use and take action against many taxes. If this decision was implemented in Pakistan, then the increase in the net rate of Pacific N Net Rate The auditor's work will increase and improve.

1-  Through this, the number of audits will increase, the audit of more people will be possible in less time.

2-  The use of better algorithms and techniques will reduce the chances of stealing tax.

3-  Complicated tax fraud will help investigate.

4-  Tax collection systems will improve.

5-  All persons and companies' data can be analyzed.

Some Basic Principles of Islamic Economy (Brief Introduction)

Basic Introduction:

An Islamic bank is defined as a bank that conducts its business on the principles prescribed by the Shariah and all transactions are within the scope of the Shariah. The current model of Islamic banking was first introduced in Malaysia and Egypt in 1963, and has since continued to be used in other parts of the Muslim world. Islamic banking did not gain much traction until 1970, but since the twentieth century the world has begun to research and critique it.

Today, the Islamic system is not only popular in Arabia and Ajam, but it is also being adopted in 2007 as matters of life and education “Economic Recession” what happened was that the international financial institutions of the Western world, including the United States, were selling out due to the crisis, after which the Islamic economic system was adopted. The only way to understand and put this system into practice was to discuss the European currency crisis in Europe in the "Euro Crisis" of 2010. This led to research in European universities, and eventually the European world began a practical and academic effort on Islamic banking in their countries, which was incorporated as an alternative system.

The Islamic banking system can be used as a tool for the benefit and development of the economic system.

There are two types of products of Islamic Bank, one is deposit in general

which is called deposit and the other is financing - the following principles

are followed in Islamic banking.


Supra is one of the basic and early principles in the Islamic economic system which “Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions” Supra refers to a partnership between two parties in which one party is called "Rab-ul-Mal" which provides its money in the business as capital for investment and the other party which "Superior" is responsible for managing the affairs of this business - in case of profit the profit will be distributed according to the ratio fixed between the two partners whereas in case of loss only the Lord of Finance will bear the loss.

In savings and current accounts in Islamic banking, Supra is usually used by banks for "Project Financing" in which the bank provides capital and does not participate in any business activities and Supra acts as the project manager. Yes - in case of profit the profit is distributed according to the fixed ratio and in case of loss the bank bears the loss - in Supra the ratio of profit is fixed but the ratio of loss is not fixed.


Marabaha is derived from the word “Rabh” meaning profit. In Marabaha Islamic Bank buys anything at the request of its customer and receives its actual price and profit. The risk in Marabaha remains with Islamic Bank till then. Until the ownership is transferred from Islamic Bank to the customer.

Murabaha contract is usually done under financing facility - Murabaha is a type of sale in which the price and profit of the item is stated in advance - for the bank customer what he wants to buy on credit. Buys and the bank buys and sells again to the customer at a profit, including the cost price - the customer returns the money to the bank on the due date, after which the bank may charge a compensation fee if The customer could not pay on the due date.


Lease literally means lending something and charging rent in return - lease is a product in which the bank buys goods or property for the customer and lends it to the customer while the customer is in the process of borrowing. Makes Expected Payments - The first bank buys goods from the supplier in advance and sets the delivery date according to customer requirements - the second part is the asset usage contract - lease use in two ways One is the "operating lease" and the other is the "finance lease" - similarly if the lease ends with the transfer of ownership to the customer along with the rent, it is called "monopoly lease".


Salam is a type of sale in which the seller promises to deliver the specific item to the buyer on the due date and receives the payment in advance so that the seller is paid and the buyer In Islamic banking it is the moral responsibility of the seller to deliver the goods to the buyer on time. In some places in Slim currency slim is also considered legal.

The practical aspect of Slim is usually used for small farmers who need money to prepare their crops and meet their household expenses. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) allowed them to sell their crops ahead of time.


Istisna is derived from the word "Sana'a" which means to make something new on order - in this contract you order someone to make something for you on a fixed amount - this is a long time in Islamic finance. There is a villa contract that lasts until one party starts making an asset on the responsibility that it will build and deliver to the customer - the payment is made in the form of installment which lasts till the completion of the project. Yes, istisna is also proven by the hadith.


The word partnership is derived from “shirkah” which means partnership and it also means shirk. Partnership under the Partnership Act 1932 in Pakistan: “A relationship between two parties in which both parties make a profit” and business. Agree to run together.

Banks and customers are partners in partnership - Profits are in proportion to the default ratio and losses are in proportion to the share of assets shared. Estate is used for investment - every party that invests is involved in management.


Kafala means to combine something - Kafala is a very important contract in the transaction of Islamic economy which protects the rights and obligations of the contracting parties - Kafala contract is an option to strengthen any other contract. Can be used as - In Kafala, one's responsibility is combined with another's responsibility to improve payment performance.

Kafala is described as such in the Contract Act, 1872.

A contract of guarantee in which the promise is fulfilled and the liability of the third servant is removed if he breaks. The person who is giving the guarantee is called “Surety”. And a person whose fault is being guaranteed is called a “Principal Debtor”. And the one who is being guaranteed is called “Creditor”.


Reference (Agency) The word hawala is derived from tawheel, which means that the responsibility of repaying a debt is transferred from the original debtor to another person. The first person is called the principal (guarantor) and the second person is the agent (lawyer).

Financial Certificate:

The word sukuk comes from "suk" - sukuk is an Arabic name used for a financial certificate which means a certificate or legal instrument - sukuk is used in Islamic banking as a substitute for bonds and stocks Islamic banking Believes that bonds and stocks are based on usury and interest.

According to AAOFI “Sukuk” this is how it is described “Securities of equal denomination representing individual ownership interests in a portfolio of eligible existing or future assets”. For example, the sukuk holders, who are the property being built, are considered the owners of the property - thus the sukuk holders receive benefits as rent of the property which is halal - in Islamic law because they own this asset. Are showing ownership.


Tork is derived from the common term "foil" which means (silver). According to AAOFI the process of purchasing at a lower price under Marabaha and selling it to a third party for cash in order to raise capital. Is done for.

Remember that the prevailing Islamic banking is run by fatwa or by taqwa - it is very important to understand that if there is anything above the fatwa then it is taqwa - most of the commands are justified by fatwa The Islamic banking has been declared permissible by the fatwa and many pious people do not use any Islamic product for themselves whether it is Takaful or Mudaraba, the business of polytheism - Islam has always been a legitimate source. Our leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was very much interested in introducing Islamic banking system in the country.

We are currently breathing in the atmosphere of the interest system where every child in the world is indebted to usury where even if you buy the Qur'an, food they buy only by paying indirect interest - pay a little attention to this. Researchers should link the Islamic banking system with the current system and seek solutions from the old system, while modern banking should be introduced keeping in view the principles of Islam which would bring harmony with the old conventional system and Compatibility can also be removed.

It is important to note here that there has been a collection of jurisprudence from all jurists and imams on the jurisprudence of financial affairs - 1400 years ago there was a complete code of conduct and it is still there today - the time when the Islamic economic system is so perfect Reach out that the examples of Moakhaat Madinah model and Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz can be repeated.

Islamic banking is still in its infancy which is entirely related to scientific research - before establishing itself on Islamic banking there are a few things to keep in mind that the traditional banking system has been under research for three centuries, millions. PhD, MS, M.Phil. As a result of which today it has become a strong financial system while Islamic banking system is still in its research stages - after the last financial crisis almost the whole world is moving towards Islamic finance There are many terms that are really needed in Islamic banking right now and we pray to Allah to give us the strength to contribute to this good endeavor. Ameen.

اسلامی معیشت کے چندبنیادی اصول (مختصر تعارف)

بنیادی تعارف

اسلامی بینک کو مختصراً بیان کیا جائے تو اس سے مراد تمام وہ بینک جو شریعہ کے مختص کردہ اصولوں پر اپنے کاروباری معاملات کی لین دین کرے اور تمام لین دین عین شریعہ کے متعین کردہ دائرہ کےمطابق ہو- موجودہ اسلامی بینکاری کا ماڈل 1963ءکو سب سے پہلے ملایشیاء اور مصر میں پیش کیا گیا بعد ازاں دیگرمسلم دنیا میں اس حوالے سے مسلسل کام ہوتا رہا- 1970ء تک اسلامک بینکنگ کو اتنی پذیرائی نہی حاصل ہو سکی لیکن بیسویں صدی کے بعد سے عالمی دنیا نےاس پر تحقیقی و تنقیدی کام شروع کیا

آج عرب و عجم میں اسلامی نظام نہ صرف مقبول ہے بلکہ اسے معاملات زندگی اور تعلیم کی حد تک اپنایا جا رہا ہے-اس کی تحقیق اور رائج نظام اسلامی نظام حکومت کی مزید مقبولیت 2007ء میں ہوئی جب

“Economic Recession”

رونما ہوا جس میں امریکہ سمیت مغربی دنیا کے بین الاقوامی مالیاتی ادارے بحران کی وجہ سے فروخت ہو رہے تھے، جس کے بعد سے اسلامی نظامِ معیشت کو اپنایا گیا- اس نظام کو سمجھنے اور عملی جامہ پہنانے پر بات تب ہوئی جب2010 ء میں یورپ میں یورپین کرنسی کا بحران ’’یورو کرائسز‘‘ آیا - اس پر یورپ کی یونیورسٹیز میں تحقیق شروع ہوئی اور بالآخر یورپ کی دنیا نے اپنے ممالک میں اسلامی بینکاری سے متعلق عملی اور تعلیمی سطح پر کوشش شروع کر دی جسے بطورایک متبادل نظام کے طورپر شامل کیا گیا

اسلامک بینکنگ نظام ایک آلہ کے طور پر معاشی نظام کے فائدے اور ترقی کے لئے استعمال کیا جاسکتاہے- اسلامک بینک کی پروڈکٹس دو طرح کی ہو تی ہیں ایک میں پیسہ کو جمع کیاجاتا ہے جس کو عام اصطلاح میں ڈپوزٹ کہا جاتا ہے اور دوسرے میں فنانسنگ کی جاتی ہے– اسلامی بینکنگ میں درج ذیل اصول مدنظر رکھے جاتےہیں


 مضاربہ، اسلامی معاشی نظام میں بنیادی اور اوائل اصولوں میں سے ہے جسے

“Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions”

نے یوں بیان کیا ہےکہ مضاربہ دو فریقین (پارٹیز)کےدرمیان ایسی شراکت داری کو کہتے ہیں جس میں ایک پارٹی جس کو ’’رب المال‘‘کہا جاتا ہے جو کاروبار میں اپنی رقم بطورسرمایہ کےسرمایہ کاری کے لئے فراہم کرتی ہے اور دوسری پارٹی جو ’’مضارب‘‘ ہے وہ اس کاروبار کے انتظامات کو سنبھالنے کی ذمہ دارہوتی ہے-نفع کی صورت میں نفع دونوں پارٹنرز کےدرمیان طے شدہ تناسب کے تحت تقسیم ہو گا جبکہ نقصان کی صورت میں صرف رب المال نقصان کو برداشت کرے گا

اسلامک بینکنگ میں سیونگ اور کرنٹ اکاونٹس میں مضاربہ عام طور پر ’’پروجیکٹ فنانسنگ‘‘ کیلئے بینک استعمال کرتے ہیں جس میں بینک سرمایہ فراہم کرتا ہے اور کاروبار کی کسی سرگرمی میں حصہ نہیں لیتا اور مضارب اس پروجیکٹ کے منیجر کے طور پر کام کرتا ہے-منافع کی صورت میں نفع طے شدہ تناسب کے تحت تقسیم کیا جاتا ہے اور نقصان کی صورت میں بینک نقصان کو برداشت کرتا ہے - مضاربہ میں منافع کا تناسب تو پہلے سے طے کیا ہوتا ہے مگر نقصان کا تناسب طے نہیں کیا جاتا


مرابحہ لفظ ’’ربھ‘‘یعنی منافع سے اخذ شدہ ہے- مرابحہ میں اسلامک بینک کوئی بھی چیزاپنے کسٹمر کے کہنے پر خرید کر اس کی اصل قیمت اور اپنا منافع بتا کر وصول کرتا ہے- مرابحہ میں رسک تب تک اسلامک بینک کا رہتا ہے جب تک اسلامک بینک سے ملکیت کسٹمر کو منتقل نہیں ہو جاتی

مرابحہ کنٹریکٹ عام طور پر فنانسنگ کی سہولت کے تحت کیا جاتا ہے- مرابحہ بیع کی ایسی قسم ہے جس میں اس شے کی قیمت اور منافع پہلے سے بتا دیا جاتا ہے- بینک کسٹمر کے لئے وہ چیز جو وہ ادھار پر خریدنا چاہتا ہے اس کیلیے خریدتا ہے اور بینک خرید کر دوبارہ کسٹمر کو منافع پر بیچ دیتا ہے جبکہ اس میں لاگتِ قیمت بھی شامل ہو تی ہے-کسٹمر بینک کو مقرر کردہ تاریخ پر وہ پیسہ واپس لوٹا دیتا ہے بعد ازاں بینک معاوضہ کی فیس بھی وصول کر سکتا ہے اگر کسٹمر مقرر کردہ تاریخ پر ادائیگی نہ کر سکے


اجارہ کے لفظی معنی کوئی چیز ادھار پر دینا اور اس کے بدلے کرایہ وصول کرنا ہے- اجارہ ایسی پروڈکٹ ہے جس میں بینک کسٹمر کے لئے سامان یا پراپرٹی خریدتا ہے اور ادھار پر کسٹمر (گاہک )کو دیتا ہے جبکہ کسٹمر اس مستعار چیز کے دوران متوقع ادئیگیاں کرتا ہے- پہلے بینک سپلائر سے ایڈوانس رقم کے بدلے میں سامان خریدتا ہے اور ترسیل کی تاریخ کسٹمر کی ضرورت کے مطابق طے کرتا ہے- اس کے دوسرے حصہ میں اثاثہ کے استعمال کا کنٹریکٹ ہوتا ہے- اجارہ دو قسم کے طریقے سے استعمال ہوتا ہے ایک ’’آپریٹنگ لیز‘‘ اور دوسرا ’’فنانس لیز‘‘- اسی طرح اگر اجارہ اس بات پر اختتام پذیر ہو کہ کرائے کے ساتھ ملکیت بھی کسٹمر کو منتقل ہو جائے تو اس کو’’اجارہ منتہیہ بالتملیک‘‘ کہتے ہیں


سلم بیع کی ایسی قسم ہے جس میں بیچنے والا مخصوص اشیاء کو آنے والے وقت کی تاریخ پر خریدار تک پہنچانے کا وعدہ کرتا ہے اور رقم کی ادائیگی پہلے ہی وصول کرتا ہے اس طرح بیچنے والے کو رقم کی فراہمی ہو جاتی ہے اور خریدار کو اس کی چیز اس کو مستقبل میں مل جا تی ہے - اسلامک بینکنگ میں سلم بیچنے والے کی اخلاقی ذمہ داری ہوتی ہےکہ وہ مقررہ وقت پر خریدار تک اشیاء کو پہنچا دے - سلم میں کچھ جگہوں پر کرنسی سلم کو بھی جائز مانا جاتا ہے

سلم کا عملی پہلو عام طور پر چھوٹے کسانوں کیلئے استعمال ہوتا ہے جن کو فصل تیار کرنے میں اور اپنے  گھر کے اخراجات پورا کرنے میں رقم کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے- حضور نبی کریم (ﷺ)  نے اپنی فصلوں کو وقت سے پہلے بیچنے کی اجازت دی ہے


استصنا ع لفظ ’’سناء‘‘ سے نکلا ہے جس کے معنی آرڈر پر کچھ نیا بنوانے کے ہیں-اس کنٹریکٹ میں آپ پہلے سے طے شدہ رقم پر کسی کو اپنے لئے کچھ بنانے کا آرڈر دیتے ہیں- اسلامک فنانس میں یہ ایک لمبا عرصے تک چلنے ولا کنٹریکٹ ہوتا ہے جس میں ایک پارٹی اس ذمہ داری پر اثاثہ بنانا شروع کرتی ہے کہ وہ بنا کر کسٹمر کو پہنچا دے گی- اس میں رقم کی ادائیگی انسٹالمنٹ کی شکل میں کی جاتی ہے جو کہ پروجیکٹ کے مکمل ہو نے تک چلتی ہے- استصنا ع بھی حدیث کی رو سے ثابت ہے


لفظ مشارکہ ’’شرکہ‘‘ سے نکلا ہے جس کے معنی شراکت داری کے ہیں اور یہ شرک کامعنی بھی دیتاہے- پاکستان میں پارٹنرشپ ایکٹ 1932ء کے تحت مشارکہ: ’’دو فریقین کے درمیان ایسا تعلق جس میں دونوں فریقین منافع کمانے اور کاروبار کو مل کر چلانے کے لئے رضامند ہوں

مشارکہ میں بینک اور کسٹمرز شراکت داری کرتے ہیں -منافع پہلے سے طے شدہ تناسب اور نقصان شریک کئے گئے مال کے تناسب کے مطابق حصے میں آتا ہے- اسلامک فنانسنگ میں مشارکہ بہت اہم کردار ادا کرتا ہے - مشارکہ عام طور پرپراپرٹی کی خرید، ریئل اسٹیٹ، انویسٹمنٹ کےلئےاستعمال ہوتاہے-ہر وہ پارٹی جس نے سرمایہ لگایا ہو وہ مینجمنٹ سے منسلک ہوتی ہے

کفا لہ

کفالہ کے معنی کسی چیز کو ملانے کے ہیں- کفالہ اسلامی معیشت کے لین دین میں بہت اہم کنٹریکٹ ہے جس میں کنٹریکٹنگ پارٹیز کے حقوق اور ذمہ داریوں کی حفاظت کی جاتی ہے- کفالہ کنٹریکٹ کو کسی بھی دوسرے کنٹریکٹ کو مضبوط بنانے کے لئے آپشن کے طور پر استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے- کفالہ میں کسی ایک کی ذمہ داری کسی دوسری کی ذمہ داری کے ساتھ ملا دی جاتی ہےتا کہ ادائیگی کی پرفامنس بہتر ہو سکے

کنٹریکٹ ایکٹ 1872ء میں کفالہ کو اس طرح بیان کیا گیا ہے

گارنٹی کاایسا کنٹریکٹ جس میں وعدہ کوپرفام کیا جائے اور تیسرے بندے کی ذمہ داری کو ختم کیا جائے اگر وہ خرابی کرتا ہے

کہتے ہیں  Surety جوشخص گارنٹی دے رہا ہو گا اس کو

   کہتے ہیںprincipal debtor  اور ایسا شخص جس کی خرابی کے باعث گارنٹی دی جا رہی ہو اس کو

کہا جاتا ہے Creditor اور جس کو گارنٹی دی جا رہی ہو اس کو



کا لفظ تحویل سے لیا گیا ہے جس کا مطلب قرض کی ادائیگی کی ذمہ داری اصل مقروض سے دوسرے شخص پر منتقل (ٹرانسفر) ہو جاتی ہے-حوالہ میں ایک شخص دوسر شخص کو ایجنٹ مقرر کرتا ہے تاکہ اس کے لئے کو ئی کام انجام کرے- پہلا آدمی پرنسپل(مکفول) کہلاتا ہے دوسرا آدمی ایجنٹ(وکیل ) ہوتا ہے


صکوک کا لفظ ’’صک‘‘سے ہے- صکوک عربی نام ہے جو فنانشنل سرٹیفیکیٹ کیلئے استعمال ہوتا ہے جس کا مطلب سرٹیفیکیٹ یا قانونی آلہ کے ہیں- صکوک اسلامک بینکنگ میں بانڈ اور اسٹاک کے متبادل کے طور پر استعمال کیا جاتا ہے اسلامک بینکنگ کا ماننا ہے کہ بانڈ اور اسٹاک ربا اور سود کی بنیاد پر ہوتا ہے

کے مطابق صکوک کو اس طرح بیان کیا گیا ہے AAOFI

“Securities of equal denomination representing individual ownership interests in a portfolio of eligible existing or future assets”.

مثال کے طور پر صکوک رکھنے والے حضرات کو، جو پراپرٹی بنائی جا رہی ہو، پراپرٹی کا مالک ٹھہرایا جاتا ہے- اس طرح صکوک رکھنے والے پراپرٹی کے کرائے کے طور پرمنافع وصول کرتے ہیں جو کہ حلال ہے- اسلامک لاء میں کیونکہ وہ اس اثاثہ کی ملکیت کو ظاہر کر رہے ہوتے ہیں


کے ہیں۔  silverتورق عام اصطلاح میں ’’ورق‘‘ سے نکلا ہے جس کا مطلب سلور


کےمطابق خریداری کا ایسا عمل مرابحہ کے تحت کم قیمت پر خرید کر اس کو تیسری پارٹی کو نقد رقم پر بیچنا تا کہ سرمایہ اکٹھا کیا جا سکے- تورق دو اقسام کا ہو تا ہے ایک تورق فقہی اور دوسرا تورق منظم دونوں تورق سرمایہ کو اکٹھا کرنے کے لئے کیا جاتا ہے

یاد رہے کہ مروجہ اسلامک بینکنگ فتوی سے چل رہی ہے یا تقوی سے- اس بات کو سمجھنا بہت ضروری ہے اگر فتوی سے اوپر کوئی چیز ہے تو وہ تقویٰ ہے- اکثر احکامات فتوی سے جائز قرار دئے جاتے ہیں لیکن بعض لوگ اس میں بھی تقوی کی بنیاد پر احتیاط برتتے ہیں - اسی طرح اسلامک بینکاری فتوی سے جائز قرار دی گئی ہے اور بہت سے صاحب تقوی حضرات اپنے لئے کوئی بھی اسلامک پروڈکٹ استعمال نہیں کرتے چاہے وہ تکافل ہو یا مضاربہ، مشارکہ کا کاروبار ہو- اسلام نے ہمیشہ جائز ذرائع سے معاشی طور پر مضبوط ہونے کی ترغیب دی ہے- ہمارے رہنما قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح بہت زیادہ دلچسپی رکھتے تھے کہ ملک میں اسلامک بینکنگ کا نظام متعارف کرایا جائے- اسٹیٹ بنک کا بھی مقصد یہی تھا کہ ملک سے سودی نظام کو ختم کیا جائے

ہم اس وقت سودی نظام کی فضاؤں میں سانس لے رہے ہیں جہاں دنیا میں آنے والا ہر بچہ سود کا قرض دار ہے جہاں آپ قرآن، خوراک بھی خریدے تو وہ بالواسطہ سود ادا کر کے ہی خریدتے ہیں- تھورا سا اس بات کی طرف بھی توجہ کی جانی چاہیئے کہ محققین اسلامک بینکنگ نظام کو رائج نظام کے ساتھ جوڑتے ہیں اور اس پرانے نظام سے مسائل کا حل چاہتے ہیں جب کہ اسلام کے اصولوں کو مد نظر رکھتے ہوئے جدید بنکاری کو متعارف کرانا چاہیئے جس سے پرانے کنونیشنل نظام سے ہم آہنگی اور مطابقت کو بھی دور کیا جا سکتا ہے

یہاں یہ بات بتانا ضروری ہے کہ فقہ المعاملات المالیہ پر تمام فقہ اور آئمہ کرام سے ایک ذخیرہ چلا آرہا ہے - 1400 سال پہلے بھی مکمل ضابطہ حیات تھا اور آج بھی ہے- مسلسل کاوشوں سے وہ وقت دور نہیں جب اسلامی معاشی نظام اس درجہ کمال کو پہنچ جائے کہ مواخات مدینہ ماڈل اور حضرت عمر بن عبد العزیز کی مثالیں دوہرائی جا سکتیں ہیں

اسلامک بینکنگ ابھی اپنے تحقیقی دور سے گزر رہی ہے جس کا تعلق مکمل طور پر علمی تحقیق سے ہے - اسلامک بینکنگ پر اپنی قائم رکھنے سے پہلے کچھ باتیں ذہن میں رکھ لینی چاہیے کہ روایتی بینکاری نظام پر تین صدیوں سے تحقیق ہو رہی ہے، لاکھوں پی ایچ ڈی ، ام ایس، ایم فل ہو چکے ہیں جس کے نتیجے میں آج یہ ایک مضبوط مالیاتی نظام بن چکا ہے جبکہ اسلامی بینکاری نظام ابھی اپنے تحقیقی مراحل میں ہے- گزشتہ مالیاتی بحرانوں کے بعدتقریباً پوری دنیا اسلامک فنانس کی طرف کھینچی چلی آرہی ہے- ابھی اسلامک بینکاری میں بہت سی اصطلاحات کی صحیح معنوں میں ضرورت ہے اور اللہ سے دعا ہے کہ ہمیں اس نیک کاوش میں اپنا حصہ ڈالنے کی تو فیق عطا فرمائے- آمین