Nobel Prize

The founder of the Nobel Prize, Alfred Nobel, was a famous Swedish chemist and businessman who made many important inventions, including Dynamite; a year before his death he wrote his famous third will at the Swedish Norwegian Club in Paris. A large portion of the property (3 million Swedish kronor in today's currency) set aside for a prize. He wrote in his will that the proceeds from the safe investment would be used to reward those who have rendered outstanding services to humanity throughout the year in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. Initially, the will was objected to by his family, so five years have passed since he was taken into custody and the award was made possible in the year 2000. This trend continues to this day. Later, the Central Bank of Sweden launched the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.

According to the will of Alfred Nobel, the prize was awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences in Physics and Chemistry, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in Medicine, the Academy in Stockholm in Literature and the Norwegian Legislative Assembly in the field of Peace. It was asked to be given by a committee of five people. He specifically wrote that the award should not be discriminated against on the basis of nationality and should be given to the person who is entitled to it. Is responsible for the selection of The Nobel Assembly at Crow Lanska Institute is responsible for awarding the Nobel Prize in Literature to the Swedish Academy of Medicine. Only nominees for the Nobel Committee for Physics, Chemistry, Medicine and Literature can submit nominations. Only those invited by the Economic Sciences Prize Committee for Economics can submit nominations. The Norwegian Nobel Committee is responsible for the nominations and final selection for the Nobel Peace Prize. The five-member committee is appointed by the Norwegian Parliament. Except for the elected bodies and individuals of the Committees, no person or entity can automatically nominate himself for the Nobel Prize, nor anyone else unless he has received an invitation from the Committees to do so. This award has been given to a total of 5 different individuals and 3 organizations between 5 and 6 out of which 2 awards have been given in the field of Economics and a total of 4 individuals and 2 organizations have been given this award more than once. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway, while other categories are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden.

The winner of the Nobel Prize is awarded eight million Swedish kronor (over 100 million Pakistani rupees), the Nobel Gold Medal and the Nobel Diploma. Due to this it became very popular all over the world and very soon this award started to be considered as the biggest award in the world. However, with so much popularity, the award became controversial because many awards were given to people who did not deserve it, and sometimes those who deserved it were deprived of it. The best example of such a controversial award is US President Barack Obama. Who were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize at that time Less than a year had passed since he became President of the United States, and the deadline to nominate him had passed. Only eleven days had passed since he took office. Not playing a significant role According to many prominent American analysts, the war frenzy has increased under the Obama administration, which is why this decision has faced a lot of criticism at the international level. Similarly, Henry Kissinger and Vietnamese politician Lee Dick Tho were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for the Vietnam Peace Accords, but Lee Dick Tho refused to accept the prize because at that time there was no peace in Vietnam, not even the prize. Two members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee resigned in protest of the decision to allow the war to continue for three years after Myanmar's human rights activist Aung San Suu Kyi was ousted in a peaceful movement for democracy and human rights. Nobel Peace Prize awarded However, Aung San Suu Kyi has maintained a criminal silence over the worst atrocities against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, which has been criticized by several Nobel laureates, who have demanded that she return the Nobel Prize - a humanitarian in China. Rights activist Liu Xiaobo was jailed while his name was announced for the Nobel Prize for propaganda against China, to which the Chinese Foreign Ministry reacted strongly, calling the behavior against the rules of the award. Similarly, Mahatma Gandhi, who was involved in the massacre of thousands of innocent Muslims in the subcontinent through his alliance with the British, was not awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Muhammad Ali Jinnah's name was never suggested. Similarly, if we look at literature from all over the world, the name of Allama Iqbal appears in golden letters among the great names of the century who rendered revolutionary services in literature but he was not selected for the Nobel Prize. Many Pistachio-sized writers were given fame through the Nobel Prize because of which fame is only the Nobel Prize.

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