Government Job

Government Jobs

There are four types of Government Jobs.

1- Permanent / Regular Job

2- Contract Job

3- Daily Basis Job

4- Work Charge Job

1- Permanent / Regular Job

This is a permanent / regular job. Its employees remain employed in all circumstances until they reach the age of 60 after recruitment. At the age of 60, he is retired from his job and is entitled to a pension. If he suffers a contagious disease before he reaches the age of 60, he is declared medically ill (Medical Unfit) and retires on the same day before reaching the age of 60.

2- Contract Job

In this type of employment, the duration of employment is fixed at the time of recruitment. The duration may vary depending on the nature of the work. It usually lasts from one to three years. In some but very few departments the term is five years but this is rarely seen.

Most contracts are extended and later made permanent. Retirement age varies in different departments.

3- Daily Basis Job

It's called Daily Wages. In this type of job, public holiday i.e. Sunday, the wage is not given to the employee. If an employee takes a day off (holiday for any reason) other than Sunday, he is not paid for that day. Apart from Sundays, other festivals like Eid, Youm-e-Ashura and other public holidays are not paid.

In most departments, a person working on a daily basis is made permanent if he / she works in the same seat for two consecutive years. Or he may try to become permanent with the help of a Court.

4- Work Charge Job

In this type of employment, an employee is assigned to an ongoing work (project). The employee's salary is first added to the estimated cost of the work (project) and he is paid accordingly. As soon as the project is over, the employee leaves his job i.e. his job is finished. Most of the recruitment in this type of job is done for ninety nine (89) days. If an employee has been working on his seat for 90 days or more, he is entitled to be permanent. He also has to rely on the Court of Law to be permanent.

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